
Network elders

The Christ Church Network is led by a team of Network Elders who are listed below.

The legal and financial responsibilities of the Christ Church Network and the churches which are part of it are handled by the Newland Christian Trust, which is a registered charity and limited company. The Network Elders are appointed as the trustees of The Newland Christian Trust for charitable purposes and as directors for company purposes.


Tim Benstead Elder

I have lived in Hull since 1992. I am married to Annette, am father of two children and grandfather of two. I have been a Christian since I was 27 and been in fellowship at St John Newland and now Christ Church Newland for over twenty years. I am a big Hull FC fan and enjoy cycling and dog walking.


Peter Birnie Christ Church Riverside Pastor

God provides for all of His people's needs in Jesus and will build His Church despite the brokenness of this world. These are two of the main lessons I have been learning so far in this privileged job where I get to spend all my time holding out God's Word to those around. I am a Northern Irishman married to a Scottish wife, Joey, with four proper Yorkshire children. I have lived in Hull since 2004. I love this city and want many from this brilliant place to find Salvation in Christ.


Gareth Cresswell Elder

I became a Christian in my early twenties after being brought up in a Christian family. I have been part of the church family here for six years. I am married to Judith and we have been blessed with three wonderful daughters. Recently we have added to the family with a sausage dog called Wesley. I have worked in financial services in the mortgage industry for most of my working life which I enjoy very much. Outside of work I enjoy playing football and snooker..


Adam Johnston Christ Church Hessle pastor

I grew up in a Christian family in Northern Ireland and moved to London to study chemistry when I was 22. After a few years, God upended my plans, and I began working for a church in South London and then from there I moved to Oak Hill College for further ministry training. In 2022, God opened the door for me to come to Hull to begin serving his people here, which is a delight. I am married to Pauline, and we have three children: Eleanor, Peter and Rose.


Scott McKay Lead Pastor and Pastor of Christ Church Newland

I was born and raised in a mining village in Barnsley. At the age of 21 I started working full-time in a paid capacity for a Church on the Wirral. I haven't been released from full-time service of Christ's Church since then apart from a three-year break at Oakhill Theological College in London. Since 2008 it has been my privilege and joy to serve Christ and His people in the city of Hull. I'm married to Laura and we have three children, Benjamin, Ruth and Samuel.


Tim Mitchell Elder

Having grown up in a Christian family I came to Hull University in 1987 and have mostly been a Hull resident ever since, though I don't think that qualifies me as a local yet. I am married to Bev and we have two grown up daughters. In my spare time I play various musical instruments and am often to be found up a ladder designing lighting for shows.


Rob Tearle Pastor of Christ Church Orchard Park

I am from Hull originally but I've lived in London and Scarborough as well. It's good to be back in Hull now with my wife Emma and we are looking forward to seeing what God does with Christ Church Orchard Park as we go forward.


Viv Whitton Elder

I came to Hull in 1968 to work in the NHS. I came to Christ shortly afterwards through the ministry of the local Young Life (NYLC) branch from whom I’ve gained a lifetime commitment to gospel and missionary outreach. I served in leadership at Trafalgar St and Christchurch Cottingham and then at St John’s. In 2007 I took early retirement to head up the UK Mobilisers Network for WEC UK. I am still married to my school sweetheart and we have 3 children and 8 grandchildren.



Adam Wong Elder

I am married to Elaine with three grown up children and two lovely grandchildren. I have been in Hull since 1991. I enjoy music, cooking and travelling.
